My Writings. My Thoughts.

Sorry is no solution

// June 21st, 2009 // No Comments » // WoW

- Dylan

Unleashing the Power of Storyboarding in Car Design


Car design is a complex and dynamic process that requires a combination of artistic creativity, engineering expertise, and a deep understanding of user experience. One of the most effective tools in the car design process is storyboarding. Storyboarding allows designers to visualize and communicate their ideas in a compelling and coherent manner. In this article, we will explore the power of storyboarding in car design and how it can unleash the full potential of the design process. You can then also the end results in a tv storyboard.

Understanding Storyboarding in Car Design:

Storyboarding is a technique that originated in the film industry but has found its way into various creative fields, including car design. It involves creating a series of sketches or illustrations that represent key moments or scenes in a narrative. In car design, storyboards help designers envision the overall design concept, explore different perspectives, and effectively communicate their ideas to stakeholders.

Enhancing Design Communication:

Car design is a collaborative process involving designers, engineers, executives, and other stakeholders. Storyboarding acts as a visual language that bridges the gap between different disciplines and ensures a shared understanding of the design vision. By presenting a cohesive narrative through storyboards, designers can effectively communicate their ideas, concepts, and design intentions to others involved in the process. This promotes better collaboration, reduces misunderstandings, and streamlines decision-making.

Fostering User-Centric Design:

Storyboarding allows designers to put themselves in the shoes of the end-user and consider the overall user experience. By creating storyboards that depict various scenarios, designers can anticipate how users will interact with the car and identify potential design challenges or opportunities. This user-centric approach helps in designing cars that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional, ergonomic, and intuitive to use.

Iterative Design Process:

The car design process involves multiple iterations and refinements. Storyboarding facilitates this iterative process by allowing designers to visualize and evaluate different design options quickly. By creating multiple storyboards, designers can explore various design alternatives, experiment with proportions, shapes, and details, and make informed decisions based on visual feedback. This iterative approach leads to more refined and innovative car designs.

Inspiring Design Creativity:

Storyboarding is a powerful tool to ignite design creativity. By creating visual narratives, designers can explore unconventional ideas, push boundaries, and challenge the status quo. Storyboards enable designers to think beyond the limitations of technical constraints and imagine futuristic car designs. This creative freedom can lead to breakthrough innovations and set new trends in the automotive industry.

Aligning Design and Brand Identity:

Car brands have unique identities and values that are reflected in their designs. Storyboarding helps designers align their design concepts with the brand identity. By creating storyboards that capture the essence of the brand, designers can ensure that the final car design resonates with the brand's target audience. Storyboarding also helps in creating consistent design language across different models, strengthening brand recognition and loyalty.

Designing a Storyboard for Pilates Course

Designing an instructor course for Pilates that truly empowers aspiring fitness professionals requires a thoughtful approach, and storyboarding plays a pivotal role in this creative process. Begin by outlining the course structure, clearly defining its objectives, target audience, and desired outcomes. Then, craft a visual storyboard that visually maps out the course flow, detailing each module and its specific learning objectives. Incorporate engaging visuals, videos, and interactive elements to make the content come alive. Ensure that the sequencing of topics is logical and builds on previous knowledge, much like the progression of Pilates exercises themselves. By storyboarding the Instructor course for Pilates in this way, you create a dynamic and comprehensive learning experience that equips future instructors with the knowledge and skills to excel in guiding others on their Pilates journey.


Storyboarding is a powerful technique that empowers car designers to unleash their creativity, communicate effectively, and design cars that captivate users' hearts and minds. Through storyboarding, designers can transform abstract ideas into tangible visual narratives, fostering collaboration, innovation, and user-centric design. Embracing the power of storyboarding in the car design process is a key step towards creating compelling and iconic cars that redefine the future of mobility.

Seamless Solutions: Pet Doors for Sliding Doors Unleash Freedomn

When it comes to giving your beloved pets the freedom they crave while maintaining the security and aesthetics of your home, pet doors for sliding doors are a game-changer. These innovative door solutions offer a seamless way for your pets to come and go as they please, all while ensuring your home remains energy-efficient and secure.

The Convenience of Pet Doors for Sliding Doors

Gone are the days when pet owners had to constantly play doorman for their furry companions. With pet doors designed specifically for sliding doors, you can grant your pets easy access to the great outdoors without any hassle. Whether you have a cat who loves to explore the garden or a dog that can't resist chasing squirrels, a pet door can transform their lives.

How Do Pet Doors for Sliding Doors Work?

Pet doors for sliding doors are engineered to fit seamlessly into the frame of your existing sliding glass door. The installation process is typically straightforward and can be completed in a matter of hours. These doors come in a variety of sizes to accommodate pets of all shapes and sizes, from small kittens to large dogs.

The most common types of pet doors for sliding doors include:
  1. Insert Pet Doors: These are the simplest and most cost-effective option. They consist of a panel that fits into the track of your sliding door and has a built-in pet door.
  2. Built-in Pet Doors: These are custom-made to match the design and aesthetics of your sliding door, providing a sleek and cohesive look.
  3. Electronic Pet Doors: Some pet doors for sliding doors come equipped with electronic sensors or microchips, ensuring that only your pet can gain access while keeping unwanted visitors out.
Benefits of Pet Doors for Sliding Doors
  • Freedom for Your Pets: Your pets can come and go as they please, reducing the need for constant supervision.
  • Improved Energy Efficiency: Most pet doors for sliding doors have insulation features, helping to maintain the temperature inside your home.
  • Enhanced Security: Many pet doors come with locking mechanisms, allowing you to secure them when needed.
  • Reduced Stress: Pets can experience less anxiety and stress when they have the ability to roam freely in and out of the house.

Choosing the Right Pet Door

Selecting the right pet door for your sliding door depends on several factors, including the size of your pet, your budget, and your aesthetic preferences. Be sure to measure your pet accurately and consider their growth if they are still young.

Additionally, consult with a professional installer who can recommend the best type of pet door for your specific sliding door configuration. They can ensure a proper fit and secure installation.


Pet doors for sliding doors are a fantastic addition to any pet owner's home. They offer the perfect balance between freedom and security, allowing your pets to enjoy the great outdoors while you maintain control over their access. With various options available, you can find the ideal pet door to suit your needs, making both you and your furry friends happy. Say goodbye to the constant door duty and hello to a more convenient and enjoyable pet ownership experience with pet doors for sliding doors. Look for Pet doors at website for quality build.

Intriguing animation and song

// June 19th, 2009 // No Comments » // Video

I like this video because it prompts moral thinking through logic and reason. And the animation; though simple is very imagination. I would love to see more of these little movies.

“What if he did! What if he did!! What if the world was made of pudding!!!” Nonsense and very silly indeed. But concepts are just that concepts. Truth is another matter and what we all need to seek.

New blog! I belive in WordPress

// June 15th, 2009 // 1 Comment » // Fun

In the beginning scientists created the tubes and the Internets.
And the Internets were without form, and void;  and darkness was upon the face of the noobs.
And the spirit of sharing moved upon the face of the inquisitive.
And they said, Let there be blogs: and there was WordPress.
And we saw the blogs, and it was good.

The only way to get your paint properly dialled in and looking new again, is to polishing using a dual action polisher from our store.

Melbourne Car Paint Protection Specialists

Good car care relies on proper application as well as proper product. You must determine the most suitable car care regimen for your needs. Automobile age, color, operating environment and frequency of use are the deciding factors. Use products that offer you flexibility in the regimen schedule while maintaining attention to results.

There is a basic rejuvenation process that starts with the first proper application and subsides about the third depending upon the automobile's surface condition at time of initial application. Healthy, well fed paint, leather and vinyl will stay healthy with minimum applications thereafter.

Washing should be a continual program initiated two to three times a month. Cleaning can be performed every five to six months depending upon the severity of soiling and feeding should take place every month at minimum.

Washing Paint

Oxidation (starvation) occurs when paint loses its natural oils. Even mild soap accelerates this condition and detergent based commercial car wash products can dull the paint work.

For years, manufacturers of fine automobiles have recommended using only plain, cold water to wash their cars. To avoid paint damage use an extremely mild, low PH, essential oil based car wash that totally disperses in cold or warm (not hot!) water. Surfactants lower the surface tension and increase the natural solvency of the water. The essential oils will dissolve into micron diameter drops. These 'drops' will capsule surface grit and allow the grit to be washed away without scratching the surface wax. Wash top down in small sections rinsing frequently. Dry gently with two (2) clean soft terry towels.

Washing Wheels

Brake dust can permanently damage the finish of wheels. The adhesive used to mold brake pads will etch and pit if the dust is allowed to remain in contact with the heated wheel surface. Use a non corrosive, non-phosphoric, low PH wheel wash designed to break the cohesive bond between brake pad dust and chrome, painted, coated alloy, aluminum or steel wheels. Do not wash or rinse any wheel directly after vehicle operation. Wheels and rotors can be damaged by the sudden temperature change. Let wheels cool before washing. Wheel cleaner concentrates can be diluted to the strength you need for your particular wheel condition and cleaning regimen. Apply the wheel cleaner to dry wheels for best results and brush the wheel with very soft, heavily populated brush before rinsing thoroughly with cool water.
Be sure to turn the spray tip of the spray bottle of your wheel cleaner to a full close position to prevent leaks. Dry gently with a clean soft terry towel.

Cleaning Paint

Paint, like any surfaced exposed to the elements, gets soiled, stained, and in many cases, burned by the exposure. Sunlight and acid rain perpetrate more crimes against auto finishes than any other offender. The object of cleaning is to remove the foreign material and repair the exposure damage. Use a neutral cleansing astringent that has the properties to penetrate and release trapped dirt, impurities and dead paint adhering to the primary painted surface during the initial application. Natural oil based products will adhere to the released deposits to be easily removed. Work in small sections applying the cleaner with a medium pressure. Use a simple terry towel to buff the cleaned surface. Do not scrub the painted surface with the abrasive or caustic materials. Abrasive cleaners should be used only by professionals especially in view of the application of special acrylics for the new car surfaces and nano paint protection applications.


Waxing Paint & Vehicle Graphics - Caution!

Use a true natural wax without any cleaning properties. With pure wax the natural oils and wax will adhere to the paint and harden quickly without the traditional white staining or deposits. Excess wax can be removed using a terry towel without strenuous buffing and re-cleaning. Apply wax on dry days to a dry car as most natural wax is hygroscopic (naturally absorbs water) to prevent streaking. Wax small areas at a time using minimal amounts of wax, like HD car care products. Most waxes do not need strenuous buffing. Buff lightly with a clean, chemically free microwipe, terry towel or soft cotton cloth. It is important to note that if you are working on a vehicle with a full car body graphics wrap that the use of car wax is unnecessary. With this type of advertising graphic, the entire surface of the car's metal paintwork is covered in a vinyl material, and therefore waxing is not required. With some waxes, it may even damage the colours in the graphic itself, so best to check to see if you vehicle is covered with a full body wrap graphic before applying potentially harmful wax or cutting compound applications. For Vehicle Signage, Sydney suppliers you could consider Absolute Sign Solutions. Their website:

Leather Upholstery and Trim

Sunlight, freezing and use will permanently damage the delicate finish of leather upholstery and trim. The denaturing process of tanning leather upholstery and trim removes precious moisture once found in the hide. Introducing solvent-based conditioners accelerates leather upholstery and trim aging. Use a non-solvent, collagen-based feeding product. Feeding takes place through the release of trapped solvents and the restoration of original hide moisture. Apply conditioners to clean leather. Use small amounts spread evenly on total surfaces (top of seat, sides, back etc.). Let the conditioner do the work. Do not scrub. Buff the leather with a dry cotton cloth 20 minutes after application.

"The challenge for the car owner is to find the "right tools" and maintain a consistent regimen."

Vinyl Upholstery and Trim

Heat, cold, washing and exposure to solvent-based waxes or treatments damage the finish of vinyl upholstery and vinyl or rubber trim. Some vinyl manufacturing methods impart formaldehyde as the solvent base for elasticity and organic protection. Introducing solvent or formaldehyde based treatments can accelerate vinyl deterioration by changing the original chemical balance. Use a non-solvent, non-formaldehyde oil based feeding product. Apply treatments to clean vinyl. Use small amounts spread evenly on total surfaces. Let the treatment do the work. Do not scrub. Buff the vinyl with a dry cotton cloth 20 minutes after application.


Aerodynamics body components like bumpers and trim are made of many materials including fiberglass, PVC (poly vinyl chloride), polypropylene, polyurethane and ABS. The painting process of aerodynamic parts requires a paint with a vinyl base for flexibility sometimes referred to as a "flex agent". Solvent or alcohol based treatments cause the paint to lose this flex agent and become brittle. Use a non-solvent, non-alcohol heavy oil-based feeding product. Feeding is performed by restoring original moisture and sealing the paint with a cured flexible finish. Apply the wax in small amounts to clean surfaces. Buff with a clean cotton cloth. Wax these exposed parts often.

If you are truly involved with your automobile, and feel that it reflects your personal life-style and personality, you should accept nothing less than a beautiful automobile. The challenge for the enthusiast is to find the "right tools" and adopt a car care regimen to maintain that definitive, correct look. We will discuss each application in detail in forthcoming articles. When it comes to magnetic signs for vehicles, is the place to go for expert sign makers.

Andrew Molera is a Senior Technician for Zymol. For more information and a chance to see Proper Car Care products go to or call (800) 999-5563.

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Mastering the Art of Storyboarding: Techniques for Effective Visual Storytelling

Storyboarding is an essential step in the pre-production process of films, animations, advertisements, and various other visual media projects. It serves as a blueprint, allowing creators to visualize the sequence of events, plan shots, and ensure that the narrative flows smoothly. Mastering the art of storyboarding requires a blend of artistic skill, understanding of cinematic techniques, and the ability to communicate ideas effectively. For those looking to excel in this field, especially aspiring storyboard artists of Sydney, there are several techniques and practices that can help elevate your work.

Understanding the Basics of Storyboarding

Before diving into advanced techniques, it's crucial to grasp the fundamentals of storyboarding. A storyboard is a series of drawings or images displayed in sequence to pre-visualize a motion picture, animation, motion graphic, or interactive media sequence. Each panel represents a specific shot or scene and includes essential details such as character positions, camera angles, movement directions, and key dialogue or actions.

Key Elements of a Storyboard

  1. Panels: Each frame in a storyboard is called a panel. It represents a single shot or moment in the sequence.
  2. Composition: This involves the arrangement of elements within a frame. Good composition guides the viewer's eye and helps convey the narrative effectively.
  3. Camera Angles: Different angles can create various effects and emotions. Understanding the impact of each angle is crucial for effective storytelling.
  4. Action and Movement: Indicating character movements and camera transitions helps in visualizing the flow of the sequence.
  5. Dialogue and Sound: Including key lines of dialogue and sound cues ensures that all aspects of the scene are considered.

Techniques for Effective Visual Storytelling

1. Focus on Clarity

Clarity is paramount in storyboarding. Each panel should clearly convey the action, emotion, and setting of the scene. Avoid clutter and unnecessary details that might confuse the viewer. Use bold lines and distinct shapes to highlight important elements. A storyboard should be easy to understand at a glance.

2. Strong Composition

The composition of each panel should guide the viewer's eye through the scene. Use techniques such as the rule of thirds, leading lines, and focal points to create dynamic and engaging compositions. Effective use of space within the frame can enhance storytelling by emphasizing critical elements and actions.

3. Variety in Camera Angles and Shots

Utilize a range of camera angles and shot types to keep the sequence visually interesting. Establishing shots can set the scene, while close-ups can emphasize emotions and details. Over-the-shoulder shots, high and low angles, and point-of-view shots can add depth and perspective to the narrative.

4. Expressive Character Poses

Characters' poses and expressions are vital in conveying the story's emotions and actions. Exaggerate poses slightly to ensure that emotions are clear, especially in static images. Understanding body language and facial expressions can significantly enhance the storytelling quality of your storyboard.

5. Smooth Transitions

Indicate how one shot transitions to the next. This can be done through arrows, motion lines, or brief descriptions. Smooth transitions help maintain the flow of the narrative and make it easier for the production team to understand how scenes connect.

6. Detailed Annotations

Include annotations to provide additional context or clarify complex actions. These notes can describe camera movements, sound effects, or any specific details that aren’t immediately apparent in the drawings. Annotations are especially useful for complex sequences that involve multiple layers of action.

7. Consistency in Style

Maintaining a consistent style throughout the storyboard helps in keeping the sequence coherent. This consistency applies to character design, proportions, and the overall visual style. A uniform look ensures that the storyboard feels like a cohesive whole, making it easier for the production team to interpret and execute.

8. Reference Real-world Examples

Study existing storyboards from films, TV shows, and animations to understand how professional storyboard artists approach their work. Analyzing real-world examples can provide insights into effective techniques and common pitfalls to avoid. Pay particular attention to how successful storyboards balance detail with clarity.

The Role of a Storyboard Artist of Sydney

For a storyboard artist of Sydney, there are unique opportunities and challenges that come with the local industry. Sydney is home to a vibrant film and television industry, offering numerous opportunities for aspiring storyboard artists. Working in this environment requires adaptability and an understanding of both local and international storytelling trends.

Networking within the Sydney creative community can open doors to collaborations with filmmakers, animators, and other visual artists. Attending industry events, joining professional organizations, and participating in workshops can help build a strong network and stay updated on the latest techniques and tools.

Tools and Resources for Storyboarding

Modern storyboarding often involves a combination of traditional drawing techniques and digital tools. Familiarity with both can enhance your efficiency and versatility as a storyboard artist.

  1. Traditional Tools: Pencils, pens, and paper are the foundational tools for many storyboard artists. These allow for quick sketching and immediate visualization of ideas.
  2. Digital Software: Programs like Adobe Photoshop, Storyboard Pro, and Toon Boom offer advanced features for creating detailed and dynamic storyboards. These tools often include templates, layers, and animation features that can streamline the storyboarding process.
  3. Drawing Tablets: Devices like Wacom tablets provide a natural drawing experience while offering the flexibility of digital editing. They are particularly useful for detailed work and making revisions.

Practice and Continuous Improvement

Mastering storyboarding is an ongoing process. Regular practice, feedback from peers, and continuous learning are essential for improvement. Create personal projects to experiment with different techniques and styles. Seek constructive criticism from other professionals to identify areas for growth.

Online courses, tutorials, and books on storyboarding can provide valuable knowledge and inspiration. Engaging with the global storyboard artist community through forums, social media, and professional networks can also offer support and insights.


Mastering the art of storyboarding requires a blend of artistic talent, technical knowledge, and effective communication skills. By focusing on clarity, composition, camera angles, expressive poses, smooth transitions, detailed annotations, and consistency in style, storyboard artists can create compelling visual narratives. For a storyboard artist of Sydney, leveraging local industry opportunities and staying connected with the creative community can further enhance their craft. With dedication and continuous practice, aspiring storyboard artists can excel in this dynamic and essential field. Check this site here for mastering your storyboards.